

賦能網(wǎng) 2023-05-15 65


“For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a news report to your school newspaper on a volunteer activity organized by yous Student Union to help elderly people in the neighborhood. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.”

On June 14,F(xiàn)riday,a volunteer activity where many students took an active part in visiting the local Nursing House was organized by the Student Union and it turns out to be a big success.

The activity was aimed at encouraging students to visit the elderly at the Nursing House and help elderly people deal with their troubles both physical and psychological. Many students volunteered to participate in this good deed and were engaged in helping the elderly here out by making their meals,washing their clothes and chatting with them. When asked about those volunteers’ feelings about such an experience,all of them responded with a smile,saying “what a wonderful practice and I really appreciate this experience,教育機構(gòu)常見問題及答案,for it makes me learn to care more for others in need.”


All in all,the activity turns out to be a success not only for the visited elderly but for those students involved.





Ships are often sunk in order to create underwater reefs (暗礁) perfect for scuba driving (水肺式潛泳) and preserving marine 26. Turkish authorities have just sunk something a little different than a ship,and it wouldn’t normally ever touch water,an Airbus A300. The hollowed-out A300 was27of everything potentially harmful to the environment and sunk off the Aegean coast today/ Not only will the sunken plane 28 the perfect skeleton for artificial reef growth,but authorities hope this new underwater attraction will bring tourist to the area.

The plane29a total length of 54 meters,where experienced scuba divers will 30 be able to venture through the cabin and around the plane’s 31 . Aydin Municipality bought the plane from a private company for just under US$100,000,but they hope to see a return on that 32through the tourism industry. Tourism throughout Turkey is expected to fall this year as the country has been the 33 of several deadly terrorist attacks. As far as sunken planes go,this Airbus A300 is the largest34sunk aircraft ever.

Taking a trip underwater and 35 the inside of a sunken A300 would be quite an adventure,and that is exactly what Turkish authorities are hoping this attraction will make people think. Drawing in adventure seekers and experienced divers,this new artificial Airbus reef will be a scuba diver’s paradise(天堂).

A) createI) intentionally

B) depressed J) investment

C) eventually K) revealing


D) experiences L) stretches

E) exploring M) stripped


F) exteriorN) territory

G) habitatsO) victim

H) innovate



26. G) habitats

27. M) stripped


28. A) create

29. L) stretches

30. C) eventually

31. F) exterior

32. J) investment

33. O) victim

34. I) intentionally

35. E) exploring



Ships are often sunk in order to create underwater reefs (暗礁) perfect for scuba driving (水肺式潛泳) and preserving marine 26. Turkish authorities have just sunk something a little different than a ship,and it wouldn’t normally ever touch water,教育機構(gòu)自考及答案,an Airbus A300. The hollowed-out A300 was27of everything potentially harmful to the environment and sunk off the Aegean coast today/ Not only will the sunken plane 28 the perfect skeleton for artificial reef growth,but authorities hope this new underwater attraction will bring tourist to the area.


The plane29a total length of 54 meters,where experienced scuba divers will 30 be able to venture through the cabin and around the plane’s 31 . Aydin Municipality bought the plane from a private company for just under US$100,000,but they hope to see a return on that 32through the tourism industry. Tourism throughout Turkey is expected to fall this year as the country has been the 33 of several deadly terrorist attacks. As far as sunken planes go,this Airbus A300 is the largest34sunk aircraft ever.

Taking a trip underwater and 35 the inside of a sunken A300 would be quite an adventure,and that is exactly what Turkish authorities are hoping this attraction will make people think. Drawing in adventure seekers and experienced divers,this new artificial Airbus reef will be a scuba diver’s paradise(天堂).

A) createI) intentionally

B) depressed J) investment

C) eventually K) revealing

D) experiences L) stretches

E) exploring M) stripped

F) exteriorN) territory

G) habitatsO) victim

H) innovate


26 G preserving marine habitats


27 M A300 was stripped of everything

28 A Not only will the sunken plane create the perfect skeleton

29 L the plane stretches a total length of 54 meters

30 C scuba drivers will eventually be able to

31 N around the plane’s territory

32 J see a return on that investment

鏈接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/17tydASZ24p8K48xgpmExpw 提取碼: 74uf 復(fù)制這段內(nèi)容后打開百度網(wǎng)盤手機App,操作更方便哦 簡介:英語四六級考試是教育部主管的一項全國性的英語考試。

33 O has been the victim of several deadly terrorist attacks

34 I this airbus A300 is the largest intentionally sunk aircraft ever



26 C as one of the most brutal predators

27 I may not fit the image of a cultured creature

28 K a vast range of highly refined behaviors

29 J which literally means “to cultivate”

30 A it refers to anything that is acquired or learnt

31 B have developed certain genetic adaptations that

32 O thereby allowing them to thrive in their cold climate

33 G a range of different habitats across the globe

34 F with an empire that extends from pole to pole

35 M leading scientists to speculate that





Lanterns,which originated from the East Han Dynasty,教育機構(gòu)促銷賣課方案,was first used for lighting. In the Tang Dynasty,they were used to celebrate the peaceful life. From then on,lanterns have become popular in various parts of China. A lantern is usually made of thin papers of O various colours,shapes and sizes.Red lanterns symbolize happy life and prosperous business in traditional Chinese culture and thus are hung up during holidays and festivals such as the Spring Festival,the Lantern Festival and National Day. Today,red lanterns0 can be seen in many places of the world.



Paper cutting is a unique form of folk arts in China,with a history of more than two thousand years. It is very likely that paper cutting stemmed from Han dynasty,which followed the invention of paper. Since then,it was popularized in plenty of places in China. The materials and tools which can be used for paper cutting are rather simple: paper and a scissor. The paper cut-ting works are usually made of red paper,北京好的教育培訓(xùn)機構(gòu),because the red color is related to? "the happiness" in Chinese traditional culture. Therefore,red paper cutting works are the first choice for the decoration of windows and doors in the pleasant occasions such as wedding ceremony and the Spring Festival.



Lion dancing is a traditional folk performance in Chinawith a history of over 2,000 years. In the dancing,twoperformers who share the same lion costume dance thehead and the body and tail respectively. They cooperateskillfully to imitate various movements of a lion. As thelion,king of animals,symbolizes happiness and fortune,people usually have lion dancing during the SpringFestival and other festivals and holidays. Lion dancingcan also be seen on many other important occasionssuch as the opening ceremony of a shop and the weddingceremony,attracting a large audience.


本文章“教育機構(gòu)賣的四級答案,教育機構(gòu)常見問題及答案”已幫助 65 人


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